Wednesday, 11 June 2014

The End Has Come

Final Portfolio Assessment

1) Participation
Attending P.E class on time, on a daily basis with a change of clothes and the right attitude has never been an issue for me. I love coming to class and looking forward to the activities that have been planned for our block, especially our fitness days! Personally, I think it would be absolutely FANTASTIC if everyday could be fitness day. Keeping my individual fitness goals in mind I tried my very best to participate to the fullest of my abilities in all kinds of activities. Whether I knew a lot about the sport or whether I was totally new to the game; I worked my way into understanding the concept and learning techniques to help myself become more engaged with the game and ultimately make the activity more fun for me as well as my classmates. This way I would get into the grove of playing and not only further my knowledge but work my body and sweat! As I would be covered in swear I knew I was participating at a great level of intensity.This deffinitely made coming to class worth it. However, since our interesting class dynamic and since our class is male dominated sometimes I did get intimidated and hesitate from giving it my all, but with the encouragement of others I over came the stumbling blocks and just try my best!

2) Social Responsibility and Contribution to the Class

Over the years I have not just learned the importance of keeping fit, but also how essential it is to be socially responsible. It is things like doing  "P.E Chores", such as:  setting up equipment, putting equipment away creating teams, taking the initiative to being respectfully vocal in activities to help others especially the younger grades. Taking part in these types of roles without being told to do so is the significance of being socially responsible in my view. Throughout this semester I feel I have contributed quite a lot in all aspects of these roles, some more than others. I was always willing to take the leadership role with handling equipment and using my management skills to put together teams (choice days). Whether this worked or not is kind of another story due to students not always being 100% cooperative, but the main part is that I tried my best! This not only gave me more confidence,but also created more positive energy within myself which also carried off to encourage others around me with their input during games. Often pushing others forced me to push myself even more. During the semester my friends and I would set fitness goals for ourselves and along the way we would encourage each other to do better then our set goal, we would work hard to push each other over our limits. It was these kinds of moments that made us experience that we really can work our bodies beyond our mental limits. With the help of my classmates I feel that P.E was substantially beneficial for me. I know it is these qualities that I want to develop in order for me to carry them on throughout my life. I hope to improve on these skills and become an even more stronger leader.

3) Healthy Living 

NUTELLA! Oh sweet, smooth, chocolaty,scrumptious,fine Hazelnut-Nutella. Is your mouth watery yet? hahah
It was all I knew about a year ago........., UNTIL I drastically gained an X number of pounds and began to smile with nothing but a double chin that made my eyes look even smaller than they are. So, when I was continuously being told (by my dear ones who truly care about my health) that I have become a fat plump, I came to realization that my eating habits need to be adjusted and I need to routinize my daily exercise once again.
Soon after reflecting upon my unhealthy habits not only did I completely stop eating Nutella (sadly) I started to work out again in order to shed the excess pounds. My mom always tells me "everything in moderation" ,but with me its cut and dry. So being healthy= NO NUTELLA
When I was totally obsessed with Nutella I noticed I was always very sluggish, felt like I didn't have much energy and unfortunately became lazier than normal. 
Now, as I look back at the dietary and physical aspects of my health from earlier on, I figured it really was ABSOLUTELY unhealthy. The most weird part is that as a child to about end of grade 10 I had always been a very athletic and skinny, lean kid, but recently as school work has been taking on its toll, so has my health. However, currently many things have changed. I am on a strict health conscious eating and physically working out life style. I eat mainly fruits and veggies and home-cooked traditional Indian as I do not approve of eating from fast food places. I watch the amount of wheat intake I have, I do not have any major processed foods, I do not have artificial sugary junk.. etc... and I exercise on a daily basis. I am trying to get back into shape and reduce the amount of hard work my heart has to do to pump blood throughout my entire body. Its only fair that I take of my body as it allows me to function and do so much! I plan to sustain my regular fitness for the rest of my life as well as healthy eating choices. Veggies and Fruit is the ideal way to go!! Healthy living is the right way to young energetic and simply enjoy life! 

4) Reflective Skills

My journey throughout this P.E course has been quite unique. I feel I have learned so much with this experience and opportunity which I will apply in all other aspects of life. I truly feel the importance about embellishing upon staying healthy and active. The encouragement and positive words from my classmates and teacher to keep working hard will not only remain in P.E, but in my day to day life. It will help me strive for my life goals. Just like I would hear Mrs. Phillips saying " good girl, keep going, all most there!" It is these words that will persist in mind and heart as I go on into the health and medical field and achieve my goals.

Summative Evaluation- 95%

I would like to Thank Mrs. Phillips for being a wonderful teacher and amazing role model. Thank you for all your hard work and effort for teaching, your the best at what you do!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

PE Update


      Since attending school is my job at the moment, my attendance is  regular along with my daily effort. I try to tell myself that "it is only me who benefits from the daily exercise", so this way I stay constant with being prepared for class and putting in effort regardless of others participation and energy level.I try my very best to create enough positive energy within myself so I can therefore give off positive energy to my classmates. I know I am not a talented or a natural "athlete" , but I believe in giving it my all, "All day, everyday!" 
Often I feel when everybody else in the class is focused and has a great mind set to just play their hearts out and forget about the moaning and groaning our class is in fact full of energy and intensity!  This also motivates me to participate to my fullest even if I am out of my comfort zone. I think this is the only way I will be able to overcome and learn to deal with things that I am faced with which are way out of my normality. 
As we only have a couple months of school left I think I can pick up my individual pace with being physically active and help others around me to simply enjoy the activities we are assigned.    

Letter Grade- A

PE Update

Dance Week

     Dance week is always a week of letting loose and embellishing upon the poor dance skills that I have. It was a fantastic time for me because I  had the opportunity to learn a great variety of dances. I looked forward to each class because I was excited to learn a new and completely different dance routine from the previous day. I made sure I attended and put in full effort because I know I will never get this time again. My favorite part was when I remembered all the dance moves and was able to preform along with our class. It is theses fun memories that will make me miss high school.

Monday, 3 March 2014

March Interm Post

The Basics:

Attendance has not been an issue for me as I look forward to this class EVERYDAY! However, I did unfortunately miss one short class(flex day) due to not feeling well and going home early. I come to class prepared with the right attire to workout and have fun! This enables me to participate in every way possible.


As I come to class everyday I come with a positive attitude ready to work my body to the fullest especially on our fitness days. Of course the level of intensity differs compared to the non-fitness days because the activities are not as physically demanding. However, this does not effect the amount of effort I put in because it is only me who benefits from keeping fit. In general I am proud of myself when I complete a activity with full effort from the very beginning right to the very end (insanity workout and relay sprints) without giving up. There is always numerous ways to improve on everything and anything in life. In this class the way I would like to improve is actually feeding off the energy around me to in order to generate more energy within myself to fight right until the end of a activity.

Other Contributions:

Realizing that putting in hard work and effort during class is not only satisfying my teacher but more importantly benefiting me. I have taken a keen interest in keeping a strict healthy diet to accompany me in my well being of physically being healthy after a LONG UNHEALTHY break( 1 whole year). With my personal goals in mind I try my best to keep positive and help others along the way to create a fun environment in our class. I look forward to the rest of my last P.E class!