Monday, 3 March 2014

March Interm Post

The Basics:

Attendance has not been an issue for me as I look forward to this class EVERYDAY! However, I did unfortunately miss one short class(flex day) due to not feeling well and going home early. I come to class prepared with the right attire to workout and have fun! This enables me to participate in every way possible.


As I come to class everyday I come with a positive attitude ready to work my body to the fullest especially on our fitness days. Of course the level of intensity differs compared to the non-fitness days because the activities are not as physically demanding. However, this does not effect the amount of effort I put in because it is only me who benefits from keeping fit. In general I am proud of myself when I complete a activity with full effort from the very beginning right to the very end (insanity workout and relay sprints) without giving up. There is always numerous ways to improve on everything and anything in life. In this class the way I would like to improve is actually feeding off the energy around me to in order to generate more energy within myself to fight right until the end of a activity.

Other Contributions:

Realizing that putting in hard work and effort during class is not only satisfying my teacher but more importantly benefiting me. I have taken a keen interest in keeping a strict healthy diet to accompany me in my well being of physically being healthy after a LONG UNHEALTHY break( 1 whole year). With my personal goals in mind I try my best to keep positive and help others along the way to create a fun environment in our class. I look forward to the rest of my last P.E class!