Wednesday 31 October 2012

Field Trips

I'm glad to here that the skating field trip was fun for all the girl that went, especailly for the ones that had never skated before!! :) Its always fun trying something new.
As the school time table has changed to accomadate for the popuation of our school, it also brings some downfalls. Such as not having enough time to go out for GET FIT FIELD TRIPS! It sucks, because it brings a division to missing parts of the classes before and after.Personally I find it difficult to miss out on class as I have one of my main academics,Bio before G.T. Many times I have experienced the drawback of falling behind and catching up on missed work. Im not quite fond of that tention, therefor I choose not to miss out unless health issues/ emergencies. Also the fact of having a much greater work load takes effect.
However,I could then also arguing the fact that in the grand seem of things missing one class doesnt really matter. Especailly when theres oppurtunites to be physically active and try new activities which I most likely   wouldnt on my own time. So, I feel this situation is a bit sticky,but I tend to go with my own feelings and preception of whats best for me. I also hope this doesnt state whether my focous on this class is not important because it deffinetly is! Without physical activity lifes boring!      

Thursday 11 October 2012

My Progress In Get Fit

       Get Fit! Getting Fit has been going quite well so far as I already feel a huge difference in my body. Especially in my areas of weaknesses such as, strength in both my upper and lower body as well as stamina. I believe having class 5 days a week makes me quite tired, but at the same time motivates me to exercise my body as much as I can in those 5 days! ( I know, that sounds weird)  My inner motives and mind set play a huge role as to how I physically preform. I want to be able to be one of the top runners in the class not to show others, but simply for myself. However, I think it all starts in my mind, if I set myself up to something and am able to successfully accomplish the task; it motivates me even more to exceed it next time. (It’s like a motive in a motive…. Get it? Although this is my personal mind set, some days are naturally LAZY SLUGGISH DAYS, that doesn’t mean I’m not trying or don’t care it’s just my body being tired from a full day of sitting in hard classes! I look forward to what comes along in our class, I’m ready to learn absolutely everything and anything nothing in particular as long as I just enjoy it and come out with a smile. I enjoy the steps of becoming a healthy person and being surrounded by great role models!
